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Community Outreach
The Sustainable Campus Initiative provides a platform to build and strengthen leadership capacity in the youth, to address some of the country’s environmental challenges. As ‘Agents of Change’, participating youth are expected to work towards and shape sustainable communities.
All registered campuses with the Sustainable Campus Initiative are expected to take on a early outreach Sustainability Action Project (SAP)with the community and make a difference.
The Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD) would provide a manual entitled Shabab Al Estidama Click here, and also conduct an annual training workshop for students on reaching out to the community on issues of sustainability.
The manual would assist the youth in the following:
- Identify sustainability issues within their community
- Guide them on methods and approaches that could be adapted for initiating a meaningful change
- Frame a sound Project Implementation Plan ( PIPS)
- Evaluate and review their project in terms of sustainable processes and outcomes
- Assist them to focus on a problem for taking action- Set objectives and manage outcomes
After registration, campuses would be given a due log in process to be able to download the manual. Should the campuses desire, they could send in their students for a workshop to be conducted by the Agency.
Campuses are expected to submit a proposal for their planned outreach project to the Agency. The Agency would communicate the last date for submitting the proposal through email to the registered campus.
SAP Templates:
- Project Proposal (Click here)
- Project Reporting Template (Click here)
- Project Assesment Report (Click here)
Reporting and evaluation
All colleges undertaking the projects are expected to upload a detailed report, a poster and 1-3 minute video on the outcome of their project.
Create and Upload (max 10MB):
Create and UploadThe Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD) will evaluate each of the campus outreach efforts on the basis of both process and outcome of the undertaken project. It is important while undertaking this Sustainability Action project, campuses also follow a sustainable code of practice while administering the proposed project. The Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD) and Borouge will recognize, the campus that has done the best outreach efforts to the community.