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Agents of Change

The Green Youth Majlis, is a platform for youth of the UAE to meet quarterly and discuss Sustainability practices and ideas, under the Sustainable Campus Initiative. Any youth between the age of 18 – 35 are welcome to join the majlis. Green Youth Majlis is a youth initiative established by the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi in 2015. It engages, enables, and empowers youth to perform environmental actions and creatively support in accelerating the achievement of environmental visions. Through GYM, Youth get the chance to be agents of change in the community. So far, over 170 members are part of GYM.

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Have a proactive, committed network of youth who support in accelerating Abu Dhabi’s strategic environmental visions.


Play an active role in learning, educating, and increasing environmental awareness in the society.
To become a member, kindly fill the following form: Here


  • Train, and empower youth to make change in the society
  • Allow youth to become agents in accelerating environmental goals


  • Committed: Be committed and sincere towards every action undertaken in the Green Youth Majlis
  • Creative: Think creatively, openly
  • Active: Transpire ideas into actions effectively