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"On November 29th, SCI team held its first virtual awards ceremony via YouTube livestream, to commend and celebrate university efforts throughout 2020.The live event received over 140 viewers immediately, as they announced the winners of the Best Green Campus Audit (GCA) and the Best Sustainability Action Project (SAP). The American University of Sharjah and Manipal Academy of Higher Education took the Best Green Campus Audit Award, for their astounding efforts during the pandemic. Manipal Academy of Higher Education and American University of Ras Al Khaimah won the Best Sustainability Action Project Award. The event continued with Ahmed Baharoon, Executive Director of the Environmental Science, Information and Outreach Sector at EAD, expressing his gratitude for the commitment of universities towards environmental work, and the heightened awareness of the pressing sustainability issues among the upcoming generation. Abdulrahman Al Ateeq, SVP Corporate Affairs at Borouge, also congratulated the universities and thanked the participating members, government entities and international coalitions, for their efforts in elevating sustainability among youth. "